February 2022 - with the removal of COVID restrictions nationally, we have relaxed our requirements for face coverings in communal areas, are removing other mitigations, eg screens, and re-opening our smaller room for face-to-face work, however we are still waiving the late cancellation fees if you are unable to attend an appointment for Covid-related reasons.  If you have any concerns about these measures, please discuss them with your therapist, who will be happy to discuss how to make your sessions as comfortable as possible for you.

While we have been supporting clients though phone and online sessions throughout the last year we know that for some people this is not an option, or is not as helpful for them as meeting in person.  So, we have worked to make St John's a Covid-secure environment, so that face-to-face work can be carried out safely for everyone. 

While we are now working without many of the mitigations that were in place over the last 2 years, the changes we did make during this time to ensure the safety of both clients and therapists are outlined below.  If you are thinking about either starting, or returning to, face-to-face work, but have concerns about Covid risk, please get in touch, and we can talk through our current measures with you, so that you're comfortable with your decision, whether that's meeting in person, working remotely, or holding off on therapy with us for the moment.

  • July 2021

    July 2021 update - While Covid restrictions on social distancing and wearing of face coverings are being lifted from Monday 19 July, here at St John's we are going to keep our current precautions in place to help keep our clients and therapists as safe as possible.   If you have any queries or concerns about this, please get in touch, and we will be happy to discuss them with you.

  • Lockdown period Dec 2020 onwards

    St John's will continue to offer therapy throughout this period, and will still be open to new clients.

    While working online is encouraged at this time, if there are reasons that online or phone counselling isn't suitable, then face-to-face counselling is allowed in a Covid-secure environment, such as  St John's.   

    The decision to move from face-to-face work to online is a decision that should be made between client and therapist, so please discuss the best way that you can receive support  through this time.

  • Changes we have made since March 2020

    The counselling rooms have been arranged so that 2m social distancing can be maintained between the client and therapist throughout the session.

    Wherever possible, windows will be opened during sessions, to increase the ventilation. 

    You will be asked to wear a face covering while in the communal areas of the building where social distancing canot be maintained, ie anywhere outside of the counselling room (unless you are exempt)

    You will be asked to sanitise your hands before entering the counselling room.

    We are now accepting electronic payments whenever possible. 

    We have removed communal tissues, and drinking glasses from the counselling rooms

    We have closed the toilet facilities

    We are waiving the late cancellation fee in the instance that you are required to self-isolate at short notice due to suspected or confirmed COVID.

  • How you can support us in maintaining a Covid-secure environment

    DO NOT attend your appointment if you have any symptoms of COVID, or have been asked to self-isolate (even if you do not have any symptoms).

    Inform your therapist promptly if you are asked to self-isolate or have symptoms of COVID between sessions. This will enable us to implement additional cleaning, and control the potential risk to other users of the building.

    Follow the guidance on wearing a face covering (unless exempt), and hand sanitising in the building

    Bring your own tissues and drink, if required

    Pay for your sessions using cashless methods if possible. If you do need to pay with cash, please have the exact fee available, and leave it for the therapist in a sealed envelope.

    If another client is arrival/leaving at the same time as you, please respect social distancing and maintain distance as much as possible.

  • Behind the scenes

    Touch points in the counselling rooms are  being wiped down before and after each client

    The time left between appointments has been increased in order to ventilate and clean the rooms between clients

    Therapists have been ask to stagger appointment times so that where possible, only one client is entering/exiting the building at a time.

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